The Statutes of the Association

Civic Association at the University Hospital in Banská Bystrica



Article I.

Name and headquarters of the association

(1) The name of the association is Civic Association at the University Hospital in Banská Bystrica (hereafter referred to as “the association”)

(2) The headquarters of the association is at: Nám. L. Svobodu 1, 97 17 Banská Bystrica.

Article II.

Legal status of the association

(1) The association is a legal person

(2) The association is a voluntary and non-profit organization. It may be a member of other civic associations, unions or civic initiatives. The association may close cooperation contracts to achieve common objectives.

Article III.

Objectives of the association

(1) Objectives of the association are in particular:

  • To increase level of equipment for complex diagnostics and treatment of patients in the F. D. Roosevelt University Hospital Banská Bystrica (hereafter referred to as “the hospital”)
  • The help with versatile increase of life quality of severely ill patients in the hospital during their hospitalization
  • To support science and research of the hospital, professional development of doctors and other hospital staff

(2) The association will achieve these objectives mainly through these activities:

  • the professional consultancy activities for families of patients, providing and organization of therapeutic and consultancy for families of affected patients
  • collaboration with educational institutions, state and public authorities, technical, cultural and scientific associations, movements, societies, foundations, civic associations both nationally and internationally
  • organizing conferences and discussion boards
  • lecturing for professional and general public
  • further education and improvement of hospital staff expertise through courses and seminars



Article IV.

Conditions and formation of membership

 (1) Any natural or legal person can become a member of the association by agreeing to the statutes of the association.

(2) The membership in the association is emerging by the admission of a member by the Executive Board on the basis of applicant’s written application for membership.

(3) The General Assembly may confer honorary membership. Honorary membership is given to people, who contributed significantly to the establishment and development of the association or helped association significantly to fulfil its objectives.

(4) The association shall maintain a list of members which include the name and surname of members, date of the membership formation, date of the membership termination and information about a payment of the membership fee.

Article V.

The termination of the membership

(1) Any member of the association can leave freely. The membership termination is valid the day of delivery of the written notification of the member about the termination.

(2) The membership in the association is terminated:

  • by death or extinction of a member
  • by the dissolution of the association
  • by striking out for inactivity of a member
  • by excluding, shall a member repeatedly, despite the warning, continue to violate membership obligations. The Executive Board decides the excluding of the member. The member has the right to appeal against the decision of the decision to the General Assembly of the association.

Article VI.

Rights and obligations of members

(1) A member has right to:

  • be a part of the association’s actions
  • to vote and to be elected to the bodies of the associations
  • to reach the bodies of the association with proposals and complaints and demand an opinion
  • to be informed about the actions and decisions of the association’s bodies

(2) A member has an obligation to:

  • fulfil deadlines of the association
  • to help fulfil objectives of the associations and actively participate in its activities
  • to assist the bodies of the association to their best conscience, ability and capacity
  • to pay membership allowance
  • to protect and improve the assets of the association

(3) An honorary member is free from every fee within the framework of the association.



Article VII.

(1) The bodies of the association are:

  1. General Assembly
  2. Execution Board
  3. The Chairman of the Association and
  4. Board of Supervisors

Article VIII.

General Assembly

(1) General Assembly is the highest body of the association, and it consists of all member of the association.

(2) General Assembly approves by resolution in particular:

  1. approving, changing and supplementing the statutes of the organization
  2. election and termination of members of other bodies of the association
  3. activity plan of the association and the annual report
  4. a budget and a report about a management
  5. a membership fee
  6. awarding an honorary membership
  7. deciding an appeal against the decision of the Execution Board about membership termination
  8. a termination of the association

(3) General assembly takes note of:

  1. a report of the Board of Supervisors on the control activities carried out
  2. a report of the Chairman on the association’s activities
  3. Executive Board measures

(4) The General Assembly meets once a year and it shall be convened by the Chairman of the association.

(5) The General Assembly shall also meet if the Executive Board so resolves or if the Board of Supervisors or one-third of the members of the association so request.

(6) The general Assembly decides by the resolution by an absolute majority of the members present. The approval of a supermajority of all members of the association shall be required for the approval of the statutes or their changes and for the approval of the termination of the association.

(7) The meeting of the General Assembly shall be drawn up by the recorder appointed by the General Assembly. It shall include the agenda of the meeting and a list of the resolutions approved by the General Assembly of the association. It shall include the attendance list of members present at the general meeting.

(8) The deliberation of the General Assembly is public, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise. The voting is open to the public, however the election and termination of the Chairman of the association or any other member of the association’s organ always be by secret ballot.

Article IX.

The Executive Board

(1) The Executive Board is and executive body of the association. It consist of the Chairman of the association and two other members. A member of the Executive Board cannot be a member of the Board of Supervisors of the association.

(2) Executive Board, by measure, decides on:

  1. admitting a member of the association
  2. proposal of planned activities, the association’s budget, the annual report and the report of the management
  3. delegating and assigning tasks to the members of the association in carrying out the association’s activities
  4. routine matters relating to the association’s activities

(3) The Executive Board shall meet every time, when it is asked by the Chairman of the association or any other member of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Association, who shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Board. In case of the Chairman’s absence on the on the meeting, other member of the Executive Board is chaired on their behalf. Each member of the Executive Board has one vote in voting on the measures of the association. Members of the Executive Board vote in person. An affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Executive Board is required for a valid action of the Executive Board.

(4) The recorder appointed by the Executive Board prepares a record of every meeting, which consist of the programme of the meeting, the list of measurements accepted by the Executive Board and signatures of all attending members.

Article X.

The Chairman of the association

(1) The Chairman of the association manages and coordinates association’s activity.

(2) The Chairman of the association is a statutory body of the association.

Article XI.

The Board of Supervisors

(1) The Board of Supervisors is an inspection body of the association. The Board of Supervisors has three members, who elects and dismisses the General Assembly.

(2) In its supervisory activities the Board of Supervisors in particular examines:

  1. compliance with the statutes of the association, including the resolutions of the General Assembly and the measure of the Executive Board
  2. compliance of the principles for the management and disposal of the association’s assets
  3. the accuracy of the association’s accounts
  4. the success of the collection of the membership fee, including the assessment of arrears.

(3) The Board of Supervisors draws the attention of the association’s bodies to shortcomings and can propose measures to remedy them

(4) A member of the Board of Supervisors may request the association’s bodies to provide assistance in the inspection, especially request an explanation and the issue of account books or other documents relating to the subject-matter of the inspection.



Article XII.

(1) The management of the association is controlled by its budget, which is proposed by the Executive Board and approved by the General Assembly for a period of one year.

(2) The expenditure of the association are covered by the approved budget as necessary and financially possible.

(3) The proceed of the membership fee are the association’s own income



Article XIII.

(1) The association is terminated by merging with another association or by voluntary dissolving which is decide by the General Assembly. The General Assembly appoints a liquidator who shall first settle all liabilities and claims of the association and dispose of the liquidation balance according to the decision of the General Assembly.

(2) The liquidator notifies the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic of the association’s termination within 15 days after the completion of the liquidation.



Article XIV.

(1) The association is established by registration with the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic.

(2) The bodies of the association shall be established at the first meeting of the General Assembly. A preparatory committee shall act on behalf of the association until the bodies are established.

In Banská Bystrica

On 16 July 2012

